Jewish Christian , also Hebrew Christian or Judeo-Christian , was an original member of the later Jewish Christian movement. In the earliest stages the community consists of all Jews who accept Jesus as an honorable person or Messiah (Christ). As Christianity grew and developed, Jewish Christians became only one part of the early Christian community, characterized by combining Jesus' confession as Christ with continuous adherence to Jewish traditions such as Sabbath observance, obedience to the Jewish calendar, obedience to Jewish law and customs. , circumcision, and the presence of synagogues, and by direct genetic relations to the earliest Jewish Christians.
The term "Jewish Christian" appears in historical texts that distinguish Jewish Christians from non-Jewish Christians, both in the discussion of the New Testament church and the second and subsequent centuries. It is also a term used for Jews who enter Christianity but retain their Jewish heritage and traditions.
The first century "Christian Jews" were faithful Jews of religion. They are different from other contemporary Jews only in their acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah. Those who teach that Gentiles converting to Christianity must adopt more Jewish practices than the Church has included, however, called "Judaizers". Although the Apostle Peter was initially sympathetic, the Apostle Paul opposed teaching to the Incident at Antioch ( Gal 2: 11-21 ) and at the Jerusalem Council ( Acts 15: 6-35 ) , where the teaching of Paul is accepted by the whole Church. However, Judaization has continued to be encouraged for several centuries, especially by Jewish Christians.
As Christianity grew up throughout the non-Jewish world, Gentile Christians deviated from their Jewish and Jerusalem roots. Jewish Christianity, initially reinforced despite being persecuted by Jerusalem Temple officials, fell into decline during the Judeo-Roman war (66-135) and the evolving anti-Jew was probably best personified by Marcion of Sinope (c 150). With persecution by orthodox Christians since the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine in the 4th century, Jewish Christians sought refuge outside the borders of the Empire, in Arabia and beyond. In the Empire and later elsewhere it was dominated by non-Jewish Christianity who became the church of the Roman Empire State and who took control of sites in the Holy Land such as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Cenacle and appointed the next bishops of Jerusalem..
Video Jewish Christian
Related terms
- Hebrew Christianity - the nineteenth-century movement of Jews converted to Christianity acted semi-autonomously in the Anglican Church and other established churches. although it is also used in some texts concerning the early church, and Arnold Fruchtenbaum used the term for Jewish Christians standing next to the Messianic movement of Judaism.
- Hebrew Roots - A religious movement that includes both Old and New Testaments but without the observance of the Jewish Talmud and many Jewish traditions unsupported by the Bible.
- Jewish Christians - a modern term often encountered in texts related to sociology and demography.
- Judaizers - Early Christians who defended or adopted the practice of Judaism, from the earliest period of Christianity until about the fifth century.
- Judean Christians - Judean-dominated Judean Christians.
Maps Jewish Christian
Separate from early Christianity and Judaism
Jesus was a Jew, and his reform movement was Jewish. He preached in the Jewish countryside, not the Hellenistic cities. After his execution, his followers claimed to have seen him alive, and formed a community to await his return, although the interpretation of this event was disputed by historians. Later, this community was separated from Judaism and became a Christian church. The Gospels represent a time when Christian theology has not been fully formed and the separation from Judaism is incomplete.
Jerusalem Council and other developments
It has been argued that this Jewish Christian sect (3,000) is in danger of being wiped out while they are being persecuted. Acts illustrates examples of early Christian persecution by the Sanhedrin, the Jewish religious court at the time, but the historical reliability of the Acts of the Apostles is disputed. Peter and John were imprisoned by "Jewish leadership" ("priests, temple captains, and Sadducees") who were "very upset because they taught the people and stated that in Jesus there is a resurrection of the dead." The Sadducees in particular rejected the Pharisian doctrine of the resurrection of the dead. St. Stephen was tried by the Sanhedrin for the mockery of Moses and God and stoned to death, under the supervision of Paul of Tarsus, before his conversion.
One further blow to this Jewish sect is the death of their second leader (their first leader Jesus was crucified in AD 30). According to Josephus, "the brother of Jesus, called Christ, named James," met his death following the death of the procurator Porcius Festus, but before Lucceius Albinus took over power - dated in 62 AD. The High Priest Ananus ben Ananus took advantage of this lack of imperial control to gather the Sanhedrin who condemned James "on charges of breaking the law," and he was executed by stoning. Josephus reports that Ananus's actions were widely seen as nothing more than court murder, and touched on a number of "people who are considered the fairest people in the City".
Three events will greatly affect the fate of early Jewish Christianity. The first was Paul's Conversion in his early 30s (and the possible conversion of his teacher Gamaliel), the second was the Jerusalem Council c.50 AD, and the third was the Destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70, which according to Josephus was one of the events most important of the First Jewish-Roman War. Nevertheless, according to Eusebius Church History, the line of Christian Jewish bishops in Jerusalem continued until Bar Kokhba rebellion (132-136 AD) when Hadrian renamed the city "Aelia Capitolina" and forbade all Jews except on the day of Tisha B 'Av. After that, the Jerusalem bishops were uncircumcised Greeks. The Cenacle as it is today is a Gothic reconstruction, but probably the location of a genuine Jewish Christian church.
Heinrich Graetz postulated the Jamnia Council in 90 AD that ruled out Christians from the synagogue, but this is disputed. Jewish Christians continue to worship in the synagogue for centuries. According to Acts 15, the Jerusalem Council c.50 AD, usually believed to be led by James the brother of Jesus, decreed that male male circumcision (related but also debated with conversion to Judaism) should not have required non-Jewish followers of Jesus, only abstentions (KJV, Acts 15:20, also Genesis 11: 1-8 (idolatry), 9:20 (sexual immorality), 9: 5 ( cruelty to animals), 9: 3-4 (abstinence from blood)). The basis of these prohibitions is not specified in Acts 15:21, which states only: "Because of the ancient Moses of every town those who preached it, were reading in the synagogue every Sabbath," emphasizing that they are the Mosaic Commandments of the People Jews should pay attention. Much, beginning with Augustine of Hippo consensus considers the four provisions under Noahide's Law stated in Genesis, and applies to all people (descended from Noah after the Flood). On the other hand, some modern scholars disagree with the Law of Noahide (Genesis 9) and instead see Leviticus 17-18 (see also Leviticus 18) as the basis. Some modern Christians are also unclear whether this means that this Apostolic Decree in some way still applies to them or only that the requirement is enforced to facilitate general participation by the Gentiles in the community of followers of Jesus (who at that time included the Jewish Christians ), thus reminding the Jewish followers of Jesus to uphold the Laws that apply to them (ie the full Law of Moses). According to Karl Josef von Hefele, this Apostolic Decree is still observed today by the Eastern Orthodox. See also the Biblical law in Christianity, the Law of Interpretation, and Noahidism.
Some early Jewish Christians believed that Gentiles should become Jews and adopt Jewish customs. Paul criticizes Peter for himself abandoning these habits, and therefore presents a bad example to the Gentiles who join the Christians. Paul's close friend Barnabas favored Peter in this dispute. Catholic Encyclopedia: Judaizers: The incident in Antioch claimed: "St. Paul's account of the incident no doubt that St. Peter saw justice from rebuke." However, L. Michael White's From Jesus to Christian claims: "The accumulation with Peter is a total failure of political courage, and Paul immediately leaves Antioch as a persona non grata, never again to return." See also Incident in Antioch and Christian Paul. The scholar James DG Dunn, who coined the phrase "New Perspective on Paul", has proposed that Peter is the "bridge man" (ie,
Marcion in the second century, called the "most dangerous heresy", rejected the Twelve Apostles, and interpreted a Jesus who rejected the Mosaic Law using the 10 Epistles of Paul and the Gospel of Luke. For example, his version of Luke 23: 2: "We found this man [Jesus] deceiving the nation and destroying the law and the prophets". Irenaeus in turn rejected Marcion and praised Twelve Apostles in his book Against Heresies 3.12.12:
"... brought to the doctrine of Simon Magus, they have fallen away in their opinion from Him who is God, and imagine that they themselves have found more than the apostles, by finding out other gods, and [defended] that the apostles preached the gospel still somewhat under the influence of Jewish opinion, but that they themselves are purer [in doctrine], and more intelligent, than the apostles. "
According to Eusebius' History of the Church 4.5.3-4: 15 the first bishop of Jerusalem was "from circumcision". The Romans destroyed the Jewish leadership in Jerusalem in the year 135 during Bar Kokhba Revolt. However, that does not necessarily mean ending Jewish Christianity, more than the 258 Valerian Massacre, (when he killed all the Christian bishops, elders, and deacons, including Pope Sixtus II and Antipope Novatian and Cyprian of Carthage). to Roman Catholicism. Traditionally it is believed that the Christians of Jerusalem await the Judeo-Roman war at Pella in Decapolis (see flight to Pella). After the Judeo-Roman war (66-135), in which Epiphanius believed that the Cenacle survived, the significance of Jerusalem for Christians entered a period of decline, Jerusalem temporarily converted to the pagan Aina Capitolina, but the interest was continued with the diocesan pilgrimage. Helena (mother of Constantine the Great) to the Holy Land c. 326-28. According to the church historian Socrates of Constantinople, Helena claims to have found the cross of Christ, after moving a Temple to Venus (linked to Hadrian) which has been built on the site. For that reason he is seen as the Patron Saint of archaeologists. Jerusalem received special recognition in Canon VII of the First Council of Nicea in 325. Later, under the rule of Justinian I (527-565), it was designated as one of the Pentarchs, though the Pentarchs were never recognized by Roman Catholics who otherwise claimed the superiority of the Pope.
Circumcision controversy
The general interpretation of the controversy of the New Testament circumcision is that the question of whether Gentiles can enter the Church directly or must first enter Judaism. This controversy largely fought between conflicting Christian groups who were also ethnic Jews. According to this interpretation, those who feel that conversion to Judaism is a prerequisite for membership of the Church is ultimately condemned by Paul as "judaized teachers".
The source of this interpretation is unknown; However, it seems to be related to Supersessionism or Hyperdispensationalism (see also New Perspective on Paul). In addition, modern Christians, such as the Ethiopian Orthodox and Coptic Orthodox still practice circumcision (both male and female, the last in which the Jews never practice) while not regarding it as part of the conversion to Judaism, nor consider themselves Jews or Jewish Christians. Roman Catholicism condemned circumcision for its members in 1442, at the Council of Florence.
Community originally reflects Judaism and early Christianity
The Role of Hellenistic Judaism
Both early Christianity and Early Rabbi Judaism were far more 'orthodox' and less theologically theologically than now; and both were significantly influenced by the Hellenistic religion and borrowed the allegories and concepts of the Classical Hellenistic philosophy and the works of the Greek-speaking writers at the end of the Second Temple period... before these two streams of thought ultimately reinforce each of the 'norms and doctrines, especially with the divergence of key issues such as the 'purity law' status, the legitimacy of the Jewish-Christian mesianist beliefs, and, more importantly, the use of Koine and Latin Greek as a sacramental language replaces the Hebrew Bible...etc.
Certain Christian communities in India, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel/the Palestinian Territories are traditionally associated with some first century Jewish Christian heritage. The Syrian Orthodox Church, the Antioch Greek Orthodox Church, and the Antiochian Greek Melkite Catholic Church are churches with known Jewish Christian membership dating from the 1st century. These three churches have the same origins in terms of membership, where the majority of its followers are a mixture of Greeks and Hellenists and Syrians from Antioch and the rest of Syria who adopt a new faith. The Syrian Orthodox Church follows the Antiochene rite that celebrates the liturgy in Syriac and still carries some particular customs that are considered today as the nature of pure Judaism.
Beyond Antioch, Alexandretta and Northwestern Syria, the main centers of Hellenistic Judaism in the Levant before the destruction of the Second Temple, the opening verse of Acts 6 shows the cultural divide between the Jewish people and the Aramaic Israelites in Jerusalem: "it speaks of" Helenists "and" Hebrews. "The existence of these two distinct groups characterizes the earliest Christian community in Jerusalem.The Hebrew are Jewish Christians who speak almost exclusively Aramaic, and Hellenists are also Jewish Christians whose language his mother was Greek, the Greek-speaking Jews of the Diaspora, who returned to settling in Jerusalem To identify it, Luke used the term Hellenistai When he was in the mind of the Greek, Gentile, Gentile who spoke Greek and lived in Greek fashion, using the word Hellenes (Acts 21.28), because the context of Acts 6 is evident askan, Hellenistai is not Hellenes. "
Some historians believe that a considerable proportion of the Hellenic Turkic Jewish community (Antioch, Alexandretta, and neighboring cities) and Syria/Lebanon eventually transformed into a Greco-Roman Christian branch that eventually formed the Melkite Church in the MENA region: "As Christianity Jews came from Jerusalem, so that Gentile Christianity began in Antioch, which was the main center of the Hellenistic East, with Peter and Paul as his apostles. From Antioch spread to Syrian cities and provinces, among the Hellenistic Syrians as well as in between the Hellenistic Jews who, as a result of the great rebellion against the Romans in 70 and 130 AD, were expelled from Jerusalem and Palestine to Syria. "
Surviving the Byzantine community and 'Syri' in the Middle East
Some of the ancient "Synagogal" Greek funerary rituals have survived partly to the present, especially in different church services from the Antioch Greek Orthodox Church, the Syrian Orthodox Church and the Hatkine Melkite Greek Catholic community of Turkey in Southern Turkey, Syria and Lebanon..
The unique combination of ethnocultural features stemming from the blend of the Greek-Macedonian cultural base, Hellenistic Judaism and Roman civilization gave rise to the peculiarly "Antioch" Christian traditions of Cilicia (Southeast Turkey) and Syria/Lebanon:
- "The mixture of Roman, Greek and Jewish elements admirably adapts Antioch to the greatest part it plays in the early history of Christianity, which is the birthplace of the church."
Members of these communities still call themselves the RÃÆ'à »Ã» m which literally means "East Roman", "Byzantine" or "Greek Greek" in Turkish, Persian, and Arabic. The term "RÃÆ'û m "is used in preferences for " Ionani " or " Y? V? Ni " meaning" Greek Europe "or" Ionian "in Classical Arabic and Ancient Hebrew.
Much of the Middle East "Melkites" or "RÃÆ'û ms ", can trace their ethnocultural heritage to the Jewish-speaking communities of Southern Anatolia ('Cilician') and Syrians lied to by Greeks in the past and Greek and Macedonian settlers ('Greco-Syriac') , founder of the original "Antiochian Greek" community of Cilicia, Northwestern Syria and Lebanon. Counting surviving minorities in Turkish Hatay Province, in Syria, Lebanon, Northern Israel and their families in the diaspora, there are more than 1.8 million Greco-Melkite Christians living in the North-MENA, USA, Canada and Latin America days this is Greek Orthodox and Greek Catholic Christianity under the authority of the ancient jurisdiction of the patriarchates of Antioch and Jerusalem ("Orthodox" in the strict sense) and/or their Uniat branch ("Catholic" or "united" with Rome).
Today, certain families are associated with descendants of early Jewish Christians in Antioch, Damascus, Judea, and Galilee. Some of these families carry names such as Youhanna (John), Hanania (Ananias), Sahyoun (Sion), Eliyya/Elias (Elia), Chamoun/Shamoun (Simeon/Simon), Semaan/Simaan (Simeon/Simon), Menassa ( Manasseh), Salamoun/Suleiman (Solomon), Youwakim (Joachim), Zakariya (Zechariah) and others.
Contemporary movement
In modern times, the term "Christian Jews" generally refers to ethnic Jews who have entered or been raised in Christianity. They were mostly members of the Catholic and Protestant congregations, and were generally culturally assimilated into the mainstream of Christianity, although they retained a strong sense of their Jewish identity. Some such Jewish Christians also call themselves "Hebrew Christians". Examples include the Christians (Saint Thomas Christians) and the Jewish-Portuguese Tamil (Parava) of India, who historically have strong Jewish ties and still maintain certain Jewish traditions. There is also a different movement of Hebrew Catholics in full communion with the Holy See.
The 19th century saw at least 250,000 Jews convert to Christianity according to the records that existed in various societies. Data from the Pew Research Center say that, by 2013, about 1.6 million adult Jewish Americans identify themselves as Christians, mostly as Protestants. According to the same data, most Jews who identify themselves as Christians (1.6 million) were raised as Jews or Jews by ancestors. According to a 2012 study, 17% of Jews in Russia identify themselves as Christians.
The Hebrew Christian movement of the nineteenth century was a largely Anglican-led and largely integrated initiative, led by such figures as Michael Solomon Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem 1842-1845; some figures, such as Joseph Frey, founder of the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, are more assertive about the identity and independence of the Jews.
Messianic Judaism is a religious movement that combines elements of Judaism with the teachings of Christianity. Its adherents, many of whom are ethnically Jewish, worship in congregations that include Hebrew prayers. They baptized believing believers in the age of accountability (able to accept Jesus as the Messiah), often obeying the law of halal food and Saturday as the Sabbath. Although they recognize the Christian New Testament as a scripture, most do not use the "Christian" label to describe themselves. Nevertheless, most Christian groups believe that they are Christians and Jews because they follow the common basic beliefs of both.
The two groups are not entirely different; some adherents, for example, support the Messianic congregation but live freely in both worlds, such as the theologian Arnold Fruchtenbaum, founder of Ariel Ministries.
See also
External links
- Netzari Faith
- Simchat Torah Beit Midrash: - Jewish Christian
- Jewish Study for Christians
- Frontline: From Jesus to Christ : First Christians: Wrestling with Their Jewish Heritage on PBS
- The Medieval Handbook: St. John Chrysostom (c.347-407) Ã,: Eight Homilies Against the Jews at Fordham University
- Jewish Encyclopedia: Christianity in relation to Judaism: early Christianity, Jewish sect
- The Increase of Messianic Judaism in the Context of Hebrew Christianity by William Greene, Ph.D.
- F. Stanley Jones, The Rediscovery Of Jewish Christianity, Society of Biblical Literature, 2012
Source of the article : Wikipedia