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Sexual Abstinence | WOW Magazine Nepal

Sexual intercourse is a practice of refraining from some or all aspects of sexual activity for medical, psychological, legal, social, financial, philosophical, moral or religious reasons.. Asexuality differs from sexual abstinence; and celibacy are sexual taboos that are generally motivated by factors such as one's personal or religious beliefs. Abstinence sex before marriage is required in some societies by social norms, or, in some countries, even by law, and is considered part of purity.

Abstinence may be voluntary (when one chooses not to engage in sexual activity due to moral, religious, philosophical, etc.), unintended consequences of social circumstances (when one can not find a willing sexual partner), or is legally mandated (eg in countries where sexual activity outside of marriage is illegal, in prison, etc.).

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The ancient world broke the spirit of copulation for health and social reasons. According to Pythagoras (6th century BC) sex should be done in winter, but not summer, but dangerous for men's health in every season due to harmful semen loss, difficult to control and exhausting physically and spiritually, but has no effect on women. This idea may have been combined with Zoroastrian ideas of good and evil in the philosophy known as gnosticism, which influenced Christian and Islamic attitudes toward sexual activity. But others claim that Christianity holds to the ideals of sexual abstinence before the advent of gnosticism and Zoroastrianism and its roots can be found in the Old Testament (which is the basis of the New Testament) where virginity is required by law and marriage is specifically protected (see Deuteronomy chapter 22 ).

Throughout history, and especially before the twentieth century, there are those who consider that sexual abstinence provides many health benefits. For men, lack of abstinence is thought to lead to decreased vitality. In modern times, the argument has been expressed in biological terms, claiming that semen loss through ejaculation results in diminishing important nutrients such as lecithin and phosphorus, which are also found at high levels in the brain. Conservation of semen allegedly allows to be reabsorbed into the bloodstream and helps the development of a healthy body. Along these lines, the famous German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, speaks of the positive physiological effects of abstinence: "Reabsorption of semen by the blood... may push the stimulus of strength, the anxiety of all forces to overcome resistance... The feeling of power so far has risen most highly in unrespected priests and demons "(quoted by Walter Kaufman in his classic work, Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist , p.Ã, 222). Prior to the "sexual revolution" of the 1960s, it was generally believed by members of the medical profession that many mental and physical illnesses in humans are caused primarily by loss of nutrients through semen, and that the deliberate conservation of these substances will lead to improved health, vitality and intellectual. This also applies to masturbation, which is also considered to lead to bedwetting and hairy palms.

Some advantages in supporting sexual abstinence were also claimed by Walter Siegmeister, better known as Dr. Raymond W. Bernard AB, MA, PhD, American early American alternative health, esoteric writer, writer and mystic, who formed part of alternative reality subculture. In his essay titled Science finds the physiological value of the continent (1957) he states: It is clear that there is an important internal physiological relationship between the secretion of the sex glands and the central nervous system, that the loss of this secretion, voluntarily or unconsciously, has an adverse effect on the nutrients and vitality of the nerves and brain , while, on the other hand, the conservation of this secretion has the effect of vitality on the nervous system, the effect of regeneration on the endocrine glands [,] and the effect of rejuvenation on the organism as intact. "

Historically, there has been a swing from the end of the liberal, sexually liberal Industrial Revolution against the sacred values ​​of the early Victorian period. This was followed by new puritanism from the late Victorian era until the mid-1900s. This important transformation often colored discussions about sexual behavior in the twentieth century. World War I began to return to sexual freedom and pleasure, but more often than not, the appearance according to previous moral values ​​of abstinence before marriage was maintained. With the conclusion of World War II, the public interest of society declined. The emergence of the first oral contraceptive pill and widely available antibiotics suppresses many consequences of broad and free sexual behavior, while social morale also changes. In the 1970s, the abandonment of premarital sanctity was no longer taboo in most western societies, and it turned out to be true. Some cultural groups continue to place value on the moral purity of an abstainer, but never give up in the reevaluation of wider moral values.

During the early twentieth century, leading feminist advocate and birth control, Margaret Sanger argued that not engaging in sexual activity led to greater endurance and strength, and was the best sign of the species:

"Although sex cells are placed in anatomical parts for important purposes easily repel them to females for reproductive purposes, there are other elements in the sexual fluid that are the essence of blood, nerves, brain, and muscle When directed to the building and strengthen this, we find the man or woman with the greatest endurance and greatest magnetism. A girl can waste her creative power by contemplating the love affair to the exhaustion of the system, with results no different from the effects of masturbation and orgies. "

Maps Sexual abstinence

During the fertile period

Sexual abstinence can be practiced during the period in which the woman is fertile.

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Before getting married

Prenatal sanctity

In most cultural, ethical, and religious contexts, sex in marriage is not considered to be contrary to the idea of ​​sanctity. Some religious systems prohibit sexual activity between a person and anyone other than the spouse of that person, as in the past, the legal system and social norms. In such contexts, sexual abstinence is prescribed for unmarried individuals for the purpose of purity. Sanctity has been used as a synonym for sexual abstinence, they are similar but with different behaviors and constraints.

Legal issues

In some countries, sexual activity outside of marriage is illegal. Such laws are in large part related to religious and legal traditions and politics in certain jurisdictions. Laws are very different from one country to another. In some Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kuwait, Maldives, Morocco, Mauritania, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Sudan, Yemen, all forms of sexual activity outside marriage are illegal.


In some parts of the world, men, women, boys or girls who are suspected of premarital or homosexual sex may be victims of honor killing by their families. Rajam for sexual activity outside of marriage is also a punishment in some places.

Just-taboo sex education in the United States

Abstinence-only sex education is a form of sex education that teaches abstinence, and often does not include many other types of sexual and reproductive health education, especially regarding safe birth control and sex. Educational programs that focus exclusively on abstinence are hardly shown to delay sexual activity. Such programs promote sexual abstinence until marriage and often also condemn the use of contraceptives. Comprehensive sex education, in contrast, includes the use of contraception as well as abstinence.

Organizations such as SIECUS have called "fear-based" abstinence programs, and are designed to control children's sexual behavior by instilling fear, shame, and guilt. Author Judith Levine argues that there may be a natural tendency of educators abstinence to improve their message: "Like an advertisement, which must constantly boost its seduction just to keep it looking like other advertisements proliferate, education abstinence should make sex more frightening and frightening and, at times the same, the purity is sweeter. "

Despite these criticisms, federal support has made de facto de facto focus on sex education in the United States, so opponents often adopt a line that abstinence can only be accepted when combined with other methods, such as instruction in condom use, and its easy availability. Most countries in Western Europe use a more comprehensive measure, and in sharp contrast to hot discussions in the US, abstinence is hardly addressed as a measure of education.

The abstinence program only promoted the US federal government aimed at teenagers in 1981 to prevent premarital pregnancies and unwanted pregnancies. However, a recent study by Mathematica Policy Research shows the ineffectiveness of this program. The Responsible Education About Life Act was introduced by Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Representatives Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Christopher Shays (R-CT) to support age-appropriate sexual education. The program is focused on giving youth science-based information about sexual health, so they can make good decisions about their sex lives.

In 2006, the George W. Bush administration expanded the abstinence program from adolescent to adult, introducing a program to encourage unmarried adults to stay fast until marriage. Family planning advocates and researchers denounced the program as unrealistic, due to the increasing age of first marriage in the United States. In 2009, the Barack Obama administration wiped out most of the funds from sexual abstinence education, and instead used money to fund the Youth Health Office, designed to prevent teenage pregnancies through evidence-based programs.

In 2010, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania released a model study showing that abstinence programs can be effective. The study randomly assigns some eight-hour high school curriculum curricula and others to a sex program that includes contraception and mixed messages. Penn researchers found that bidding that only reduces sex reduces subsequent sexual activity by a third more than other programs.

Popularity and effectiveness

The advent of AIDS helps build a better view of abstinence. However, the review of 13 US sexual abuse programs involving more than 15,000 people by Oxford University found that they did not stop risky sexual behavior, or help prevent unwanted pregnancies. Other studies have found that only abstinence education has no effect on "age of sexual initiation, number of sexual partners, and levels of sexual abstinence, condom use, vaginal sex, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)" Recently, the United States Congress also found similar results in a study conducted by Mathematica Policy Research on abstinence. Today, there is also the problem of what it means to abstain: whether abstinence, or from sexual behavior? Movements such as True Love Waits in America, which ask teenagers not to have sex before marriage, are highly subscribed, but sexual behavior surveys show an increased popularity of oral sex.

Effects of community abstinence

Alfred Kinsey is widely regarded as the first and most influential figure in American sexology; his research cited has paved the way for a deeper exploration of sexuality among sexologists and the general public, and as has liberated female sexuality. According to Alfred Kinsey, sexual ignorance causes real suffering in society and that sexual liberation, as opposed to sexual abstinence, is the key to a strong marriage and a happy life. Kinsey believes that abstinence is a sexual dysfunction: "The only type of sexual dysfunction is abstinence, celibacy and delaying marriage."

J. D. Unwin is an English ethnologist and social anthropologist at Oxford University and Cambridge University. Joseph Unwin wrote several books including Sex and Culture , (1934). In Sex and Culture Unwin studied 80 primitive tribes and 6 known civilizations through 5,000 years of history and found a positive correlation between the attainment of the culture of society and the amount of sexual restraint they observed. The author finds that the most culturally successful group always shows a lifelong monogamous relationship that includes sexual abstinence outside of marriage. According to Unwin, once a nation becomes prosperous, it becomes more liberal in terms of sexual morality and as a result loses its cohesion, its drive and its purpose, ultimately having a negative effect on society: "All human history does not contain an example of a civilized group unless it has is really monogamous, nor is there an example of a group that retains its culture after adopting less rigorous habits. "

What is sexual abstinence. The side effects of abstinence ...

Abstinence long term as lifestyle

Abstinence for life (or at least long-term), often associated with philosophical or religious hermits, is distinguished from the sanctity before marriage. Abstinence is often seen as an act of self-control over the natural desire to have sex. The display of character strength allows abstainers to set an example for those who are not able to withstand their "basic impulse". At other times, abstinence has been seen as a great social skill committed by those who refuse to be involved with the material and physical world. Some groups and teachers who propose sexual abstinence consider it an important means of achieving certain intellectual or spiritual conditions, or that holiness allows one to attain the necessary self-control or self-awareness.

Sexual Abstinence: Can you?

Abstinence in religion

Some religions regard holiness as the expected virtue of faithful followers. This usually includes not having sex for the unmarried, and loyalty to the spouse.

In some religions, some groups of people are expected to remain unmarried and have no sex at all. These groups include monks, nuns, and priests in various sects of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Christianity. Purity is required from the associated sacred commands. The Shaker, on the other hand, imposes celibacy in the form of celibacy for all members, even endless procreation as is the case with castration cults.


Most Christians teach that sexual intercourse is meant to occur in the context of marriage, and that sexual abstinence is the norm beyond that. But for a married couple, Paul of Tarsus writes that they should not rob one another, except for a short time for devotion to prayer.

Catholicism defines purity as a virtue that moderates sexual desire. Catholic unmarried people express sanctity through sexual abstinence. Sexual intercourse in marriage is considered sacred while maintaining the dual meaning of unity and procreation. See also evangelical counsel. The Methodist Church teaches that "Although everyone is a sexual being whether they are married or not, sexual relations are only clearly confirmed in marriage bonds." The Orthodox Church teaches sanctity until marriage. But even then, in accordance with the teachings of the Apostle Paul, the prohibition period was encouraged among married couples. Traditionally, Orthodox couples stay away from physical relationships on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturday nights of the Great Eve and during the four lenten periods (Great Lent Nativity Fast, Apostles' Fast and Dormition Fast).

However, some churches, such as the United Church of Christ, are "liberal in their approach, believing that individuals must decide for themselves how to express their sexual nature."


The Indian tradition of Brahmacharya places great emphasis on abstinence as a way to harness the energy of body and mind toward the goal of spiritual realization. In men, semen (Vrya) is considered sacred, and its preservation (except when used for procreation) and conversion to higher life energy (Ojas) are considered essential for the development of enhanced intellectual and spiritual capacity.

The sexual and spiritual mixing is depicted in Hindu iconography, as seen in phallic and vaginal iconography in Hindu temples and for example in the medieval temples of Kharjuraho and Konarak, where thousands of couples have sex in endless positions, and with the gods, under relief. However, these sex depictions are generally not understood as licenses for free sexual practices, but are instead meant to celebrate procreation as an integral part of existence in the universe. In actual practice, there is a strong social taboos against premarital sex for men and women, which still exists today in Hindu culture.


Islam prohibits sexual intercourse outside marriage ( adultery ). However, retaining celibacy as an act of piety is not acknowledged, while marriage to all capable is highly recommended. Abstinence is done during the woman's menstrual period. No sexual intercourse is also performed from dawn to dusk during the days in which fasting is observed. Also when the Hajj are not allowed to have sexual intercourse, because their bodies must remain pure while making the pilgrimage.


Brahmacharya is one of the five major vows prescribed for ? r? vak? (layman) and recluse in Jainism. For those Jains who adopt the path of monks, celibate in action, words and thoughts are expected. For the married Jain layman, the virtue of brahmacharya requires the remaining sexual fidelity for a person's chosen partner (loyalty). For unmarried Jain layers, holy life requires Jain to avoid sex before marriage.

In the Jain monastic tradition, implies, inter alia, the obligatory denial of sex and marriage. For a lay Jain, it represents a noble lifestyle without constant sex drive, which also includes simple living, meditation and other behaviors.


Judaism prohibits sexual intercourse outside marriage (so-called znut or promiscuity), but does not have an ideal of chastity. In the marriage taboo is also necessary during and after menstruation of women. The husband is not allowed to remove sex from his wife, even if he is infertile (known as mitzvat onah ).

What is sexual abstinence. The side effects of abstinence ...

Associated Practice

Among several groups of people, the use of purity rings is a reminder for themselves and others, that they practice sexual abstinence.

Abstinence | SexInfo Online

Health effects

Abstinence prevents the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease, HPV and others.

"Early sexual prematurity is associated with certain long-term sexual health outcomes, including increased risky sexual behaviors and problems in sexual function.Long initiation is also associated with sexual problems, especially among men."

What is sexual abstinence. The side effects of abstinence ...

See also

  • Abstinen, faithful, use condom
  • Anticycles
  • Dangerous for Little People , a book by Judith Levine dealing with sexual morality in the United States
  • The Temptations Fought , a film featuring a storyline involving sexual morality
  • The lesbian gold star
  • Understand taboo
  • Purity Ball
  • The religious aspect of marriage
  • Skills refused
  • Spiritual marriage
  • Virginity
  • Promise of virginity

What is sexual abstinence. The side effects of abstinence ...


Abstinence | SexInfo Online

Further reading

  • Benjamin Brown, "Kedushah: Male Sexual Abstinence Married at Gur, Slonim and Toldos Ahron", Jewish History 2013, pp. 475-522

The Evidence for Abstinence Only Sex Education is Scant - YouTube

External links

  • National Abstinence Clearinghouse
  • Science finds the physiological value of the continuity by Dr. R. W. Bernard, A.B., M.A., Ph.D.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
