Senin, 25 Juni 2018

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How your breast milk changes - Tesco Baby Club

breast milk is milk produced by the breast (or mammary glands) of a human woman to feed a child. Milk is the main source of nutrition for newborns before they can eat and digest other foods; older infants and toddlers can continue to be breastfed, in combination with other foods from the age of six months when solid foods should be introduced.

Video Breast milk


Breastfeeding infants from their own mothers are the most common way to get milk, but milk can be pumped and then fed with baby bottles, cups and/or spoons, supplemental infusion systems, or nasogastric tubes. In premature children who do not have the ability to suck during the early days of their lives, avoiding bottles and tubes, and the use of cups to feed expressed milk and other supplements are reported to result in better breastfeeding rates and subsequent duration. Breast milk can be supplied by a woman other than the infant mother, either through donated milk (usually from milk banks or through informal milk donations), or when a woman breast-feeds a child other than her own child in her chest, a practice known as wetnursing.

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, with solid foods being gradually introduced around this age when signs of readiness are indicated. Additional breastfeeding is recommended until at least age two and later during the mother and child want.

Maps Breast milk


Breastfeeding offers health benefits for mothers and children even after infancy. These benefits include a 73% reduction in the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, increased intelligence, decreased likelihood of contracting middle ear infections, cold and flu resistance, small decreases in childhood leukemia risk, lower risk of onset childhood diabetes, reduced risk of asthma and eczema, decreased dental problems, reduced risk of later obesity, and reduced risk of developing psychological disorders, including in children who are adopted. In addition, breastfeeding is associated with lower insulin levels and higher leptin levels than feeding infants through powdered milk formula.

Breastfeeding also provides health benefits for mothers. It helps the uterus return to size before pregnancy and reduce postpartum hemorrhage, as well as help the mother to return to her weight before pregnancy. Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of breast cancer later in life. Lactation protects both mother and baby from both types of diabetes. Lactation can protect babies from Type 2 diabetes, which is especially evolving because studies have shown that bioactive ingredients in breast milk can prevent weight gain during childhood through contributing to feelings of energy and satiety. Lower childhood diabetes risk may be more applicable to babies born to diabetic mothers. The reason is that when breastfeeding for at least the first 6 months of life minimizes the risk of Type 1 diabetes occurring in infants, inadequate breastfeeding in preborn-affected infants is associated with a higher risk of later diabetic children.. However, it can be said that human breastfeeding can contribute to the protective effect on the development of type 1 diabetes due to the fact that bottle feeding alternatives can cause the baby to experience unhygienic eating conditions.

Although it is now almost universally prescribed, in some countries in the 1950s the practice of breastfeeding went through a period in which it was out of fashion and the use of infant formula was considered superior to breast milk. However, it is now universally acknowledged that no commercial formula can match the breast milk. In addition to the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, breast milk provides vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, and hormones. Breast milk also contains antibodies and lymphocytes from mothers that help babies withstand infections. The immune function of breast milk is individualized, because the mother, through touch and infant care, comes into contact with the pathogens that colonize the baby, and consequently, her body makes the right antibodies and immune cells.

At about the age of four months, the infant's internal iron supply, which is stored in the liver cells, is depleted, then this is the time that iron supplements should be introduced. Breast milk contains less iron than formula milk, because it is more bioavailable as lactoferrin, which is safer for mother and child than iron sulphate.

10 reasons for low milk supply, plus tips to increase breast milk


Under the influence of prolactin and oxytocin hormones, women produce milk after delivery to feed the baby. The initial milk produced is referred to as colostrum, which is high in IgA immunoglobulin, which lines the gastrointestinal tract. This helps protect newborns until their own immune systems function properly. It also creates mild laxative effects, secretes meconium and helps prevent the buildup of bilirubin (a factor contributing to jaundice).

The actual inability to produce milk is scarce enough, with research showing that mothers of developing countries experiencing nutritional difficulties still produce the same amount of milk as mothers in developed countries. There are many reasons a mother may not produce enough milk. Some of the most common reasons are incorrect latches (ie, infants are not connected efficiently with nipples), not breastfeeding or pumping enough to supply supplies, certain medications (including estrogen-containing hormonal contraceptives), disease, and dehydration. A more rare reason is the Sheehan syndrome, also known as postpartum hypopituitarism, which is associated with prolactin deficiency and may require hormone replacement.

The amount of milk produced depends on how often the mother is breastfeeding and/or pumping: the more the mother is breastfeeding her baby or pump, the more milk is produced. This is useful for nurses when babies want to breastfeed rather than on a schedule. A Cochrane review came to the conclusion that a larger volume of milk was expressed while listening to casual audio during lactation, along with warming and massaging of the breasts before and during the meal. Larger amounts of milk volume can also be attributed to cases where the mother begins to pump milk faster, even if the baby can not breastfeed.

Higher sodium concentrations in milk are expressed directly, when compared to manual and electrical pumps, and higher fat content when breasts are massaged, along with listening to soothing audio. This may be important for low birth weight babies. If pumping, it is helpful to have an electric pump, high quality so that all milk channels are stimulated. Galactagogues increase the supply of milk, although herbal variants carry risks; therefore non-pharmaceutical methods should be tried first.

Laura's Plans: Breast Milk Freezer Storage from a Soda Can Box


Breast milk contains complex proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and other biologically active components. The composition changes during one meal as well as during the lactation period.

During the first few days after delivery, the mother produces colostrum. It is a thin yellowish liquid that is the same fluid that is occasionally leaked from the breast during pregnancy. It is rich in proteins and antibodies that provide passive immunity in infants (the baby's immune system is not fully developed at birth). Colostrum also helps the baby's digestive system to grow and function properly.

Colostrum will gradually turn into cooked milk. In the first 3-4 days it will appear thin and watery and will feel very sweet; later, the milk will be thicker and creamier. Human milk satisfies the baby's thirst and hunger and provides the proteins, sugars, minerals, and antibodies the baby needs.

In the 1980s and 1990s, lactation professionals (De Cleats) were used to make a distinction between foremilk and hindmilk. But this differentiation causes confusion because there are no two types of milk. Conversely, as breast-fed babies, their fat levels gradually increase, with milk becoming more fatty and fatty with time.

The level of Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in breast milk remains high from day 10 to at least 7.5 months postpartum.

Breast milk contains 0.8% to 0.9% protein, 4.5% fat, 7.1% carbohydrates, and 0.2% ash (minerals). Carbohydrates are mainly lactose; some lactose-based oligosaccharides have been identified as small components. Fat fractions contain specific triglycerides of palmitic acid and oleic (O-P-O triglycerides), as well as lipids with trans bonds (see trans fat). Lipids are vascenic acid, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) accounts for up to 6% of human milk fat.

The main proteins are alpha-lactalbumin, lactoferrin (apo-lactoferrin), IgA, lysozyme, and serum albumin. In acidic environments such as the stomach, alpha-lactalbumin is revealed to be a different form and binds oleic acid to form a complex called HAMLET that kills tumor cells. This is thought to contribute to the protection of breastfed babies against cancer.

Non-protein compounds contain nitrogen, which makes up 25% milk nitrogen, including urea, uric acid, creatinine, creatinine, amino acids, and nucleotides. Breast milk has a variety of circadians; some nucleotides are more often produced at night, others during the day.

Breast milk has been shown to supply the endocannabinoids (which simulates the natural neurotransmitter cannabis) 2-Arachidonoyl glycerol, anandamide, oleoylethanolamide, palmitoylethanolamide, N-arachidonoyl glycine, eicosapentaenoyl ethanolamide, docosahexaenoyl ethanolamide, N-palmitoleoyl-ethanolamine, dihomo -? - linolenoylethanolamine, N-stearoylethanolamine, prostaglandin F2alpha ethanolamides and prostaglandin F2 ethanolamides. They may act as an appetite stimulant, but they also regulate appetite so the baby does not eat too much. That's probably why formula-fed babies have higher calorie intake than breast-fed babies.

Breast milk is not sterile, but contains as many as 600 different species of bacteria, including favorable breeds Bifidobacterium, B. adolescentis, B. longum, B. bifidum, and B. dentium.

Breast milk contains a unique type of sugar, human milk oligosaccharide (HMO), which is not present in infant formula. HMO is not digested by the baby but helps to form intestinal flora. They act as bait receptors that block the attachment of disease that causes pathogens, which can help prevent infectious diseases. They also alter immune cell responses, which may be beneficial to the baby. To date (2015) more than a hundred different HMOs have been identified; both the amount and composition vary between women and each HMO can have different functions.

Breastfeeding diabetes mothers have been shown to have a different composition than non-diabetic mothers. It may contain elevated levels of glucose and insulin and decreased polyunsaturated fatty acids. The dose-dependent effects of diabetic breast milk on increased language delay in infants have also been noted, although doctors recommend diabetic mothers to breastfeed despite potential risks.

Breastfeeding women should consult their physician about substances that can be accidentally passed on to the baby through breast milk, such as alcohol, virus (HIV or HTLV-1) or drugs. Although most HIV-infected infants suffer from breast-feeding diseases, most babies fed by their HIV-positive mothers have never had the disease. While this paradoxical phenomenon suggests that the risk of HIV transmission among HIV-positive mothers and their children through breastfeeding is small, research also suggests that feeding infants with breastmilk HIV-positive mothers can actually have a preventive effect on HIV transmission between mother and child. The inhibitory effect on HIV-infected infants is probably due to non-specific factors exclusively present in HIV-positive maternal mothers.

Most women who do not breastfeed use formula, but breast milk donated by volunteers to breast milk banks can be obtained by prescription in some countries. In addition, studies have shown that women who rely on infant formula can minimize the gap between the level of immune protection and cognitive ability, the benefits of breastfed children versus the extent of the benefits of bottle-feeding from them. This can be done by supplementing formula-fed infants with cow milk globulin (MFGM) fatty membranes intended to mimic the positive effects of MFGMs present in human breast milk.

Mumasil Breast Milk Collection Shells

Express Breastfeeding

The milk presented can be stored. Lipase can cause liquid milk to taste soap or rancidity due to damage to milk fat. It's still safe to use, and most babies will drink it. Scalding will prevent rancidity at the expense of antibodies. It should be kept with an airtight seal. Some plastic bags are designed for a storage period of less than 72 hours. Others can be used up to 12 months if frozen. This table describes the time limits for secure storage.

Pigeon Australia | Breast Milk Storage Bags

Comparison with other dairy

All mammalian species produce milk, but the milk composition for each species varies greatly and other types of milk are often very different from human milk. As a rule, mammalian milk that often nurses (including human infants) is less rich, or more watery, than mammalian milk whose young nurses are less frequent. Human milk feels thinner and sweeter than cow's milk.

Whole beef milk contains too little iron, retinol, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, unsaturated fat or essential fatty acids for human babies. Whole beef milk also contains too much protein, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and chloride that can overload the immature baby's kidneys. In addition, protein, fat and calcium in whole cow's milk are more difficult for babies to digest and absorb than those in breast milk. Milk evaporates may be more easily digested because of protein processing but still inadequate. Some babies are allergic to cow's milk protein, the problem may be related to formula milk derived from cow's milk.

Breastmilk and the difference between Colostrum, Foremilk ...

Alternate use

In addition to providing essential foods for infants, breast milk; namely, breast milk, has a number of valuable uses, especially the use of drugs, for children and adults. It has been used for thousands of years. Breast milk contains powerful antibodies and antitoxins that many believe encourages better healing and overall health. However, breast milk has no sterile and antiseptic properties if nursing mothers are infected with certain infectious diseases, such as HIV and CMV, because breast milk can transmit the disease to infants and others.

ASI has been used as a home remedy for minor ailments, such as conjunctivitis, insect and sting bites, contact dermatitis, and infected wounds, burns, and abrasions. Breast milk has also been used as an alternative to boost the immune system of sick people who have viral gastroenteritis, influenza, common cold, pneumonia, etc., due to its immunological properties. However, breast milk should not be seen or interpreted as "all-medicine". Some medical experts believe that breast milk can induce apoptosis in some types of cancer cells. However, more research and evidence is needed in this area of ​​cancer care.

A small number of people, including restaurant owners Hans Lochen of Switzerland and Daniel Angerer of Austria, who operates restaurants in New York City, have used human breast milk, or at least advocated their use, instead of cow's milk in dairy products and prescription foods. Tammy Frissell-Deppe, a family counselor specializing in attachment care, publishes a book, titled Secret Recipes, provides a long compilation of detailed food and drink recipes that contain human breast milk. The animal rights organization known as PETA triggered a storm of criticism when it urged dairies to replace the milk cows they use in ice cream products with breast milk as a way to stop cattle abuse. Human milk is not produced or distributed industrially or commercially, because the use of breast milk as an adult diet is considered unusual for the majority of cultures around the world, and most disagree with such practices.

Attempts to formulate soap from breast milk have also been made, and those who use them claim that their effectiveness as cleaners is greater than or equal to traditional soaps.

Israeli-designed breast pump promises to suckle where others just ...


Almost all drugs enter into breast milk in small amounts. Some have no effect on infants and can be used while breastfeeding. Women with hypothyroidism may not be able to produce milk. Alcohol use during pregnancy carries a serious risk of birth defects, but consuming alcohol after childbirth is considered safe.

Pesticides and other toxic substances are bioaccumulated; ie, higher creatures in the food chain will store more of them in their body fat. This is a problem especially for the Inuit, whose traditional diet is meat dominated. The study examined the effects of polychlorinated biphenyls and persistent organic pollutants in the body; Breast milk Inuit is unusually high in toxic compounds.

Shu-Yin's Sanctuary: Luxurious Breastmilk Bath

Extraordinary consumption

In Costa Rica, there are trials to produce cheese and custard from human milk as an alternative to weaning.

A controversial Swiss restaurant owner has created a menu based around food cooked in human breast milk.

An Icecreamist at Covent Garden in London started selling ice cream named Baby Gaga in February 2011. Each serving costs £ 14. All milk donated by Mrs Hiley earns  £ 15 for every 10 ounces and calls it a "big recession hitter". Ice cream sold out on the first day. Despite the success of the new flavor, Westminster Council officials removed the product from the menu to ensure that it, as they say, "is suitable for human consumption."

Although there is no scientific evidence to suggest that breast milk is more profitable for adults than cow's milk, according to some news sources 2015, breast milk is used by bodybuilders for its nutritional value. In an ABC News article in February 2015, a former competitive body builder said, "It's not uncommon, but I already know people who have done this.It's clearly talked about a bit in bodybuilding forums on the Internet." Calling bodybuilders "strange types of individuals," he says, "Even if this sort of thing is really unsupported by research, they are vulnerable to sports knowledge and willing to try it if there is a potential effect." By the time the article was written, in the US the price of breast milk was obtained from dairy banks pasteurizing milk, and had expensive quality controls and security, about $ 10 per ounce, and prices in the online alternative market, purchased directly from moms, ranging from $ 1 to $ 4 per ounce of US liquid, compared to cow's milk about $ 3.44 per gallon.

Breast Milk Benefits - HappyFamily


There is a market for breast milk, both in the form of wet nurse services and dairy products. As a product, breast milk is exchanged by human milk banks as well as directly between dairy donors and customers mediated by websites on the Internet. Human milk banks generally have standard measures to filter donors and store milk, while donors on websites vary in relation to these steps. A study in 2013 came to the conclusion that 74% of breast milk samples from providers found from websites were colonized with Gram-negative bacteria or had more than 10,000 units of aerobic colony/mL forming colonies. Growth occurs during transit. According to the FDA, bacteria in fresh milk double every 20 minutes. Breast milk is considered healthier than cow's milk and infant formula when it comes to feeding babies within the first 6 months of life, but only in extreme situations by international health organizations that support breastfeeding babies from healthy wet nurses rather than that of their biological mother. One reason is that unregulated breastfeeding markets are full of risks like drug abuse and prescription drugs in donated milk. Transmission of these substances through breast milk can be more dangerous than good when it comes to the infant's health outcomes.

Can You Drink Your Own Breast Milk? Mom Discuss

See also

  • Blocked milk channels
  • Breastmilk Jewelry
  • Breast pump
  • Human milk banking in North America
  • Baby formula
  • La Leche League International
  • Lactation
  • lactation room
  • Laktivism
  • Mary Rose Tully
  • Baby Gaga


External links

  • Drug Interactions with Human Milk
  • Human milk and lactation by Carol L. Wagner (Article Overview, eMedicine, December 14, 2010)
  • University Center of the United Nations - Constituents of human milk - including the ratio of human milk and cattle
  • Children's Health Topics: Breastfeeding
  • Comparison between breast milk and cow's milk and cow's milk composition
  • Meigs, EB (August 30, 1913) The comparative composition of human milk and cow's milk, J.Biol.Chem 147-168

Source of the article : Wikipedia
