Selasa, 17 Juli 2018

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Most parenting advice is worthless. So here's some parenting ...

Parenting or raising a child is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the subtleties of child rearing apart from biological relationships.

The most common caregivers in parenting are the biological parents of the child, although others may be older siblings, grandparents, legal guardians, aunts, uncles or other family members, or family friends. Government and society may have a role in child rearing as well. In many cases, orphaned or displaced children receive parental care from non-parent blood relationships. Others may be adopted, raised in foster care, or placed in an orphanage. The skills of parenting vary, and parents with good parenting skills can be referred to as good parent .

The parenting style varies according to historical time period, race/ethnicity, social class, and other social features. In addition, studies have supported that the history of parents both in terms of varying quality of attachments and parental psychopathology, especially in the middle of adverse experiences, can greatly affect the sensitivity of parents and child outcomes.

Video Parenting

Factors that affect decisions

Social class, wealth, culture, and income have a very strong impact on parenting methods used by parents. Cultural values ​​play a major role in how parents raise their children. However, parenting is always evolving; as time changes, cultural practices and social norms and traditions change

In psychology, the theory of parental investment shows that the fundamental differences between men and women in parental investments have large adaptive significance and lead to gender differences in marital trends and preferences.

The family social class plays a large role in the opportunities and resources that will be available to a child. Working class children often grow in unfavorable positions with schools, communities, and parental concerns available to them compared to the middle or upper class. Also, lower working class families do not get the type of network that middle and upper class do through helping family members, friends, and individuals and community groups as well as professionals or experts.

Maps Parenting


The nurturing style is the overall emotional climate at home. Developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind identifies three major parenting styles in early childhood development: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. This nurturing style was later expanded to four, including the uninvolved style. On the one hand, these four parenting styles involve a combination of acceptability and responsiveness, and on the other hand, involve demand and control. Studies have found that parenting styles are significantly related to the mental health and welfare of later children. In particular, authoritative parenting is positively associated with mental health and satisfaction with life, and authoritarian parenting is negatively associated with these variables.

Authoritative parenting
Described by Baumrind as "proper" style, it combines middle-level demands on children and middle-level responses from parents. Authoritative parents rely on positive reinforcement and rare use of punishment. Parents are more aware of their feelings and abilities and support the development of child autonomy within reasonable limits. There is a give-and-take atmosphere that is involved in parent-child communication and good control and balanced support. Research shows that this style is more advantageous than the too violent authoritarian style or the overly laxy permaisive style. An example of authoritative parenting is that parents talk to their children about their emotions.
Authoritarian parenting style
Authoritarian parents are very rigid and strict. They place high demands on the child, but are unresponsive to the child. Parents who practice authoritarian parenting have a rigid set of rules and rigid expectations and require rigid adherence. When rules are not followed, punishment is most often used to promote future compliance. There is usually no explanation of the penalty except that the child is in trouble to break the rules. This nurturing style is more strongly associated with corporal punishment, such as spanking. "Because I say so" is a typical response to a child's question about authority. This type of authority is more commonly used in working-class families than in the middle class. In 1983 Diana Baumrind found that children raised in authoritarian homes were less cheerful, more moody, and more prone to stress. In many cases, these children also show passive animosity. An example of authoritarian parenting is the parents who violently punish their children and ignore the feelings and emotions of their children.
Permissive parenting pattern
Permissive or indulgent parenting patterns are more popular in middle-class families than in working-class families. In this family setting, the freedom and autonomy of a child is highly valued, and parents tend to rely on reasoning and explanation. Parents do not learn much, so there tends to be few, if any punishment or explicit rules in this parenting style. These parents say that their children are free from external obstacles and tend to be very responsive to whatever the child wants right now. Children of permissive parents are generally happy but sometimes show low levels of self-control and independence because they lack structure at home. An example of permissive parenting is that parents do not discipline their children.
Invalid custody
Parenting style that is not involved or negligent is when parents are often emotionally absent and sometimes even physically absent. They have little or no hope in children and do not have regular communication. They are unresponsive to the needs of the child and do not demand anything from them in the expectations of their behavior. If anything, they can provide what the child needs to survive with little or no involvement. There is often a large gap between parents and children with this nurturing style. Children with little or no communication with their own parents tend to be victims of other child's perverted behaviors and may be involved in some deviations. Children of non-involved parents suffer from social competence, academic achievement, psychosocial development and problematic behavior.

There is no single or definitive model of parenting. With authoritarian and permissive parenting on the opposite side of the spectrum, most of the conventional and modern models of parenting fall somewhere in between. Child care strategies as well as the behaviors and ideals of what parents expect, both verbally and/or non-verbally communicated, also play an important role in child development.


Practice parenting is the specific behavior that parents use to raise their children. For example, the same parenting practices that are meant to promote academic success are reading books for children. Storytelling is an important childcare practice for children in many Native American communities.

Practice parenting reflects the cultural understanding of children. Parents in individualist countries like Germany spend more time engaging in face-to-face interactions with babies and more time talking to babies about their babies. Parents in more communal cultures, such as West African culture, spend more time talking to babies about other people, and more time with babies facing out, so babies see what mom sees. Children develop skills at different levels as a result of differences in cultural practices driven by this culture. Children in individualistic cultures learn to act independently and recognize themselves in mirror tests at a younger age than children whose culture promotes communal values. However, these independent children learn self-regulation and slower cooperation from children in communal culture. In practice, this means that a child in an independent culture will be happy to play alone, but a child in communal culture is more likely to follow his mother's instruction to take her toys. Children who grow up in a community with a collaborative orientation for social interaction, like some Native American communities, are also able to self-manage and become very confident while remaining engaged in the community.

In Kenya, Africa, many male parents are not encouraged to get involved in the lives of their children until they are about 12 years old.


Parenting skills are the guiding power of "good parents" to guide children into healthy adults, they influence the development, maintenance and stopping of children's negative and positive behaviors. Care takes a lot of skill and patience and work and constant growth. The cognitive potential, social skills, and behavioral functions that a child acquires during the early years basically depend on the quality of their interactions with their parents.

The Canadian Council on Learning says that children benefit greatly (avoiding bad development outcomes) when their parents:

  1. Communicate honestly about events or discussions that have taken place, because the authenticity of the parents explaining and helping their children understand what happened and how they got involved if they were without giving them the rules defining will create a realistic talent in the growth of children of the soul;
  2. Stay consistent, because children need structure: parents who have regular routines will benefit with children's behavior patterns;
  3. Take advantage of the resources available to them, reach out to the community, and build a supportive social network;
  4. More interested in their children's early education and development needs (eg Play that enhances socialization, autonomy, cohesion, tranquility, and trust); and
  5. Stay in touch and stay educated about what their children see, learn, and do, and how it affects them.

Nurturing skills are often considered self-evident or present naturally in the elderly. But those from a negative/vulnerable environment may tend to pass on what they are suffering to their families being oppressed by their own experience, those with inaccurate beliefs or a worse understanding of developmental milestones only engaging in the way they know that can lead to problem. become a parent. Practice care has special risks during marriage transitions such as separation, divorce, and remarriage; if children fail to adapt to these changes, they will face the risk of negative outcomes such as increased rule-breaking behavior, problems with peer relationships and increased emotional difficulties. Urie Bronfenbrenner said on this issue that "Every child needs one adult who is crazy about them." Virginia Satir emphasizes these views by stating "Being a parent... the most complicated work in the world."

The study classifies the competencies and skills required in care as follows:

  • Parent-child relationship skills: spending quality time, positive communication and loving affection.
  • Encourages desired behavior: praise and encouragement, nonverbal attention, facilitate exciting activities.
  • Teach skills and behaviors: be good role models, unintentional teaching, good communication of skills with role playing & amp; other methods, communicating incentives and logical consequences.
  • Manage wrong behaviors: establish firm ground rules/basic rules, direct discussions, provide clear and quiet instructions, communicate and enforce appropriate consequences for problem behavior, use restrictive means such as time and quiet time with authoritative and non-authoritarian attitudes.
  • Anticipate and plan: advanced planning and preparation to prepare children for challenges, finding out the involvement and age of appropriate developmental activities, preparing token economics for self-management practice with guidance, conducting follow-up discussions, identifying possible tracks of negative developments.
  • Self-regulating skills: Monitor behavior (both private and children), set developmentally-appropriate goals, evaluate strengths and weaknesses and organize training tasks for skills enhancement, monitoring & amp; prevent internalization and externalization behavior, set personal goals for positive change.
  • Heart skills and coping: reframing and discouraging unhelpful thoughts (diversion, goal orientation and awareness), stress and tension management (for yourself and at home), developing personalized remarks and plans for high-risk situations, mutual respect and consideration between family members, positive engagement: engage in support and collaborative/ritual-oriented activities to enhance interpersonal relationships.
  • Partner support skills: improve personal communication, provide and receive constructive feedback and support, avoid negative family interaction styles, support and find hope in issues for adaptation, collaboration or lead/navigate problem solving, promote happiness and friendship relationships.

Consistency is considered the "backbone" of positive parenting skills and "overprotection" as its weakness.


Parents all over the world want what they believe is best for their children. However, parents in different cultures have different ideas about what works best. For example, parents in a hunter-gatherer or survival society through subsistence agriculture tend to promote practical survival skills from a young age. Many such cultures begin to teach babies to use sharp tools, including knives, before their first birthday. This is seen in societies where children have an autonomous amount of attention at a younger age and are given the opportunity to become skilled in tasks that are sometimes classified as adult occupations by other cultures. In some Native American communities, child labor provides children the opportunity to learn the cultural values ​​of collaborative participation and prosocial behavior through adult participant observation and participation. American parents deeply appreciate intellectual ability, especially in the narrow sense of "learning books." Italian parents value social and emotional abilities and have a flattened temperament. Spanish parents want their children to be friendly. Swedish parents appreciate security and happiness. Dutch parents appreciate independence, long attention spans, and predictable schedules. Kipsigis people in Kenya appreciate children who are not only smart, but also use that intelligence in a responsible and helpful way, which they call ng/om . Many Native American communities appreciate, participate in community, and do not interfere. Non-interference practice is an important value in Cherokee culture. This requires that people respect the autonomy of others in the community by not interfering with their decision-making by providing unsolicited advice.

Differences in values ​​cause parents to interpret different actions in different ways. Ask questions seen by many European American parents as a sign that the child is smart. Italian parents, who value social and emotional competence, believe that asking questions is a sign that children have good interpersonal skills. Dutch parents, who value self-reliance, view negative questions, as a sign that the child is not independent. Native American parents often try to encourage curiosity in their children. Many use permissive parenting styles that allow children to explore and learn through the observations of the world around them.

Cultural tools

Value differences can also cause parents to use different tools to promote their value. Many European American parents expect special educational toys to buy to improve their children's intelligence. Some Spanish parents promote social skills by bringing their children out for a daily walk around the neighborhood.

Native American Cultures

It is common for parents in many Native American communities to use different tools in parenting such as storytelling - such as myths - consejos (Spanish for advice, in this context), educational seduction, nonverbal communication, and observational learning to teach children their children are important. values ​​and life lessons.

Storytelling is a way for Native American children to learn about their identity, community, and cultural history. Native folk myths and stories often personify animals and objects, reaffirming the belief that everything has a soul and must be respected. These stories help preserve the language and are used to reflect certain cultural values ​​or histories.

Consejos is a narrative form of providing advice that provides the recipient with maximum autonomy in the situation as a result of their indirect teaching style. Instead of directly telling the child what they should do, parents may tell the story about the same situation or scenario. The characters in the story are used to help children see the implications of their decisions, without directly making decisions for them. It teaches children to be decisive and independent, while still providing some guidance.

This seductive play is a parenting method used in some Native American communities to keep children away from danger and to direct their behavior. This seductive form utilizes stories, fabrication, or blank threats to guide children in making safe and smart decisions. It can teach children's values ​​by setting expectations and encouraging children to meet them through funny jokes and/or idle threats. For example, parents may tell a child that there are monsters that jump on the backs of children if they walk alone at night. This explanation can help keep the child safe because it instills an alarm that creates greater awareness and reduces the possibility that they will roam alone in distress.

In the Navajo family, child development partially focused on the importance of "respect" for all things as part of the moral and human development of children. "Respect" in this sense is an emphasis on recognizing the importance and understanding of one's relationship with other things and the people of the world. Nonverbal communication is far from the way children learn about such "respect" from parents and other family members.

For example, in Navajo parenting tools that use nonverbal communication, children begin at an early age into morning practice through any weather conditions. This form of guidance fostered "respect" not only for family members but also for society as a whole. In this journey, the community uses humor and laughter with each other, without directly including children - who may not want to wake up and run - to promote the motivation of children to participate and become active members of the community. To change children's behavior nonverbally, parents also promote inclusion in the morning by placing their child in the snow and letting them stay longer if they protest; this is done in the context of warmth, laughter, and community, to help put children into practice.

The tools parents use in Native American cultures include getting children into everyday life, including adult activities, to pass on parental knowledge by allowing children to learn through observation. This practice is known as LOPI, Learning by Observing and Promoting, where children are integrated into all kinds of mature and day-to-day activities that are encouraged to observe and contribute to society. This inclusion as a parenting tool promotes community participation and learning.

In some Maya communities, young girls are not allowed around the fireplace, for long periods of time since corn. While this is an exception to Native American practices that are more common in integrating children into all adult activities, including cooking, this is a powerful example of observational learning. These Mayan girls can only see their mothers making small tortillas at one time, they will then go and train the movements their mothers use on other objects, such as the example of deflating thin plastic pieces like tortillas. From this practice, when a girl comes of age, she is able to sit down and make tortillas without explicit verbal instruction as a result of her observational learning.

Parenting and Family â€

All age


Family planning is a decision on whether and when to become a parent, including planning, preparation, and resource collection. Prospective parents can assess (among other things) whether they have access to adequate financial resources, whether their family situation is stable, and whether they want to take responsibility for child rearing. Worldwide, about 40% of all pregnancies are unplanned, and more than 30 million babies are born each year as a result of unplanned pregnancies.

Reproductive health and preconception care affect pregnancy, reproductive success, and the physical and mental health of the mother and child. A thin woman, either because of poverty, eating disorders, or illness, is likely to have a healthy pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby rather than a healthy woman. Similarly, a woman who is obese has a higher risk of difficulty, including gestational diabetes. Other health problems, such as infection and iron deficiency anemia, can be detected and corrected before conception.

Pregnancy pregnancy and prenatal

During pregnancy, unborn babies are influenced by many decisions made by parents, especially choices related to their lifestyle. The health, activity levels and nutrients available to mothers can affect the development of children before birth. Some mothers, especially in relatively wealthy countries, eat too much and spend too much time to rest. Other mothers, especially if they are poor or abused, may be overworked and may not be able to eat enough, or are unable to afford healthy food with enough iron, vitamins, and protein, so that the unborn child can thrive.

Newborn baby and baby

The newborn parent, is where the parent's responsibility begins. Basic needs of newborns are food, sleep, comfort and cleanliness provided by parents. The only form of infant communication is crying, and caring parents will begin to recognize different types of crying that represent different needs such as hunger, discomfort, boredom, or loneliness. Newborns and small babies need feeding every few hours that interfere with adult sleep cycles. They respond with enthusiasm to gently stroking, hugging and caressing. Swing back and back often calms a crying baby, as do massage and hot baths. Newborns can calm themselves by sucking the thumb or pacifier. The need for suckling is instinctive and allows newborns to feed. Breastfeeding is the method of feeding recommended by all major baby health organizations. If breastfeeding is not possible or undesirable, bottle feeding is a common alternative. Other alternatives include breastfeeding or formula milk with cups, spoons, syringes, or lactating supplements.

The formation of attachment is considered to be the basis of the infant/child capacity to form and conduct lifelong relationships. Attachment is not the same as love and/or affection even though they often go together. Immediate attachment and lack of attachment or capacity of serious disorders to be excluded can potentially cause serious damage to the health and well-being of children. Physically, a person may not notice symptoms or indications of a disorder but the child may be emotionally affected. Studies show that children with secure attachment have the ability to form successful relationships, express themselves interpersonally and have higher self-esteem. Conversely children who have caregivers who are negligent or emotionally unavailable may exhibit behavioral problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder or oppositional oppositional interference. Opposition-opponent's disorder is a pattern of disobedient and challenging behavior toward authority figures.


Toddlers are much more active than babies and are challenged by learning how to perform simple tasks themselves. At this stage, parents are very involved in showing the child how to do something rather than just doing something for them, and the child will often imitate the parents. Toddlers need help to build their vocabulary, improve their communication skills, and manage their emotions. Toddlers will also begin to understand social etiquette like being polite and taking turns.

Toddlers are very curious about the world around them and eager to explore it. They seek greater independence and responsibility and may become frustrated when things do not go the way they want or expect. Tantrums begin at this stage, sometimes referred to as 'Terrible Twos'. Tantrums are often caused by a child's frustration over a particular situation, sometimes unable to communicate well. Parents of toddlers are expected to help guide and teach children, establishing basic routines (such as washing hands before eating or brushing before sleeping), and increasing the responsibility of the child. Also normal for toddlers to frequent frustration. This is an important step for their development. They will learn through experience; trying. This means that they need to experience frustration when things do not work for them, to proceed to the next stage. When toddlers feel frustrated, they will often behave badly with actions such as screaming, hitting or biting. Parents should be cautious when reacting to such behavior, providing threats or unlawful penalties and will only make the situation worse. Research groups led by Daniel Schechter, Alytia Levendosky, and others have shown that parents with a history of abuse and violent exposure often have difficulty helping their small children and preschoolers with equally unregulated behavior emotionally, who can remind parents who are traumatized by their losses. experience and mental state related.

Regarding gender differences in parenting, data from the US in 2014 states that, on average days, among adults living in households with children under 6, women spend 1.0 hours to provide physical care (such as bathing or feeding the child) to the children of the household. Instead, men spend 23 minutes to provide physical care.


Younger children become more independent and begin to build friendships. They are capable of reasoning and can make their own decisions based on hypothetical situations. Young children demand constant attention, but will learn how to deal with boredom and can play independently. They are also happy to help and feel useful and capable. Parents can help their children by encouraging social interaction and modeling appropriate social behavior. Most of the learning in the early years comes from engaging in household activities and duties. Parents who watch their children play or join them in children's games have the opportunity to see the world of their children, learn to communicate more effectively with their children and be given other arrangements to provide gentle and nurturing guidance. Parents also teach the health of their children, hygiene, and eating habits through instruction and by example.

Parents are expected to make decisions about their child's education. The nurturing style in this field is very different at this stage with some parents becoming heavily involved in organizing organized activities and early learning programs. Other parents choose to let the child develop with some organized activity.

Children begin to learn responsibilities, and the consequences of their actions, with the help of parents. Some parents provide small allowances that increase with age to help teach children the value of money and how to be responsible for it.

Parents who are consistent and fair with their discipline, who openly communicate and offer explanations to their children, and who do not ignore the needs of their children in some way often find they have fewer problems with their children as they adult.


Parents often feel isolated and alone in teenage care. Adolescence can be a high-risk time for children, where newfound freedom can result in decisions that drastically open or close life opportunities. There are also major changes that occur in the brain during adolescence; the emotional center of the brain is now fully developed but the rational frontal cortex is not yet mature yet to keep all such emotions. Adolescents tend to increase the amount of time they spend with peers of the opposite sex; however, they still retain the amount of time they spend with those of the same sex - and they do this by reducing the amount of time they spend with their parents.

Although adolescents look to peers and adults outside the family for guidance and models for how to behave, parents remain influential in their development. Studies show that parents have a significant impact, for example, on how many teenagers are drinking.

During adolescence children begin to form their identities and are testing and developing the interpersonal and job roles they will assume as adults. Therefore, it is important that parents treat them as young adults. Parenting problems at this stage of care include dealing with "rebel" teenagers who consistently push the boundaries. To prevent this problem, it is important for parents to build a trusting relationship with their children. This can be accomplished by planning and taking part in fun activities together, keeping promises made for children, spending time with them, not reminding children about their past mistakes and listening and talking to them.

When trusting relationships are established, teenagers are more likely to approach their parents for help when faced with negative peer pressure. Helping children build a strong foundation will help them withstand negative peer pressure.


Parenting usually does not end when a child is 18 years old. Support can be necessary in the lives of children far beyond adolescence and continue to be middle and later adult. Being a parent can be a lifelong process.

Parents can provide financial support to their adult children, who can also include giving inheritance after death. The life and wisdom perspectives given by parents can benefit their adult children in their own lives. Being a grandfather is another milestone and has much in common with parenting.

Roles can be reversed in some ways as adult children become caregivers for their elderly parents.

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Parents can receive help with caring for their children through a child care program.

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Pregnancy and happiness

Data from the UK Household Panel Survey and the German Social Economic Panel show that having up to two children increases happiness in the years around birth, and most so for those who have delayed childbearing. However, having a third child does not increase happiness.

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See also

Single Parenting: Are Children as Happy as with Both their Parents ...


Funny Parenting Memes | POPSUGAR Moms

External links

  • Quotes related to Parenting at Wikiquote
  • The dictionary definition of parenting in Wiktionary

Source of the article : Wikipedia
