Sabtu, 07 Juli 2018

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Don't Homeschool! Your Kids Will Miss Out

Homeschooling , also known as home education , is the education of children in the home. Home education is usually done by parents or tutors or online teachers. Many families use less formal education. "Homeschooling" is a term commonly used in North America, whereas "home education" is commonly used in Britain, Europe, and in many Commonwealth countries.

Before the introduction of the mandatory school attendance law, most of the children's education was done by families and local communities. In many developed countries, homeschooling is a legal alternative to public and private schools. In other countries, homeschooling remains illegal or restricted to certain conditions, as recorded by international homeschool status and statistics.

According to the US National Center for Education Statistics, about three percent of all children in the US study at school in the 2011-2012 school year. The study found that 83 percent were white, 5 percent were black, 7 percent were Hispanic, and 2 percent were Asian or Pacific Islanders. By 2016, there are approximately 2.3 million homeschooled students in the United States.

On average, homeschoolers score at or above the national average on standardized tests. Critics of homeschooling claims that students do not have the necessary social skills. Homeschool students have been accepted at many Ivy League universities.

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For most different histories and cultures, the education of children at home by family members is a common practice. Registering a professional tutor is an option available only to the rich. Homeschooling declined in the 19th and 20th centuries with the enactment of mandatory attendance legislation. But, it continues to be practiced in remote communities. Homeschooling began a revival in the 1960s and 1970s with educational reformers who were dissatisfied with industry education.

The earliest public schools in modern western culture were established during the reforms with Martin Luther's encouragement in the German states of Gotha and Thuringia in 1524 and 1527. From the 1500s to the 1800s the literacy rate increased to the vast majority of educated adults; however, the development of the literacy rate occurs prior to the implementation of mandatory attendance and universal education.

Home education and internships continued to be a major form of education until the 1830s. However, in the 18th century, the majority of people in Europe did not have formal education. From the beginning of the nineteenth century, formal schooling became the most common school facility in all developed countries.

In 1647, New England provided compulsory basic education. Regional differences within schools exist in colonial America. In the south, agriculture and plantations spread so widely that community schools such as those in more compact settlements in the north were impossible. In the middle colony, the educational situation varied when comparing New York with New England.

Most Native American cultures traditionally use home education and internships to provide knowledge to children. Parents are supported by relatives and tribal leaders in the education of their children. Native Americans vigorously refused compulsory education in the United States.

In the 1960s, Rousas John Rushdoony began advocating homeschooling, which he saw as a way to combat the secular nature of public school systems in the United States. He vigorously attacked progressive school reformers such as Horace Mann and John Dewey, and argued for dismantling the influence of the state in education in three works: Intellectual Schizophrenia The American Educational Messianic Character, and The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum . Rushdoony is often called as an expert witness by the Household Law Education Association (HSLDA) in court cases. He often advocated the use of private schools.

During this time, American educational professionals Raymond and Dorothy Moore began to examine the academic validity of the rapidly growing Early Childhood Education movement. The study included independent studies by other researchers and a review of more than 8,000 studies on early childhood education and the physical and mental development of children.

They assert that formal schooling before the age of 8-12 not only lacks the anticipated effectiveness, but also harms the children. The Moores publishes their view that formal schools damage children academically, socially, mentally, and even physiologically. The Moores presents evidence that childhood problems such as juvenile delinquency, farsightedness, increased enrollment in special education classes and behavioral problems are the result of early enrollment. The Moores cites research showing that orphans given surrogate mothers are more scalable, with superior long-term effects - although "mentally retarded teenage mothers" - and mothers of illiterate tribes in Africa produce children who are social and emotional more advanced than typical western children, "by western measurement standards".

Their main statement is that the emotional bonds and developments made at home with parents during these years produce important long-term results that are cut short by enrollment in school, and can not be replaced or corrected in subsequent institutional arrangements. Recognizing the importance of out-of-home care for children, especially the special needs and poor children and children from very inferior homes, they argue that most children are much better off at home, even with ordinary parents alone, rather than with the most talented and motivated teachers in the school environment. They describe the difference as follows: "It's like saying, if you can help a child by taking him out of a cold way and placing him in a warm tent, then a warm tent should be reserved for all the children. already have a safer home. "

Like Holt, Moores embraced homeschooling after the publication of their first work, Better Late Than Early , in 1975, and became an important homeschool supporter and consultant with the publication of books such as Home Grown Kids (1981), and Homeschool Burnout .

Simultaneously, other authors published a book questioning the place and compulsory schooling, including the Ivan Illich's Deschooling Society in 1970 and No Harold Bennet's No More Public School in 1972.

In 1976, Holt published Instead of Education; How to Help People Do Better . In conclusion, she called for the "Children's Underground Train" to help children escape from compulsory schooling. In response, Holt was contacted by families from around the US to tell him that they were educating their children at home. In 1977, after relating to these families, Holt began producing Growing Without Schooling , a newsletter dedicated to home education. Holt was dubbed as "the father of a home school". Holt then wrote a book about homeschooling, Teach Your Own , in 1981.

In 1980, Holt said,

"I want to make it clear that I do not see homeschooling as a kind of reply to school crime, I think that home is the right base for the exploration of the world we call learning or education.Houses will be the best base no matter how good the school is.

One of the common themes in the homeschool philosophy of both Holt and Moores is that home education should not attempt to bring school buildings into the home, or educational outlook as an academic start to life. They view home education as a natural aspect, a life experience that occurs when family members engage with each other in everyday life.

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Parents typically cite two main motivations for their children's homeschooling: dissatisfaction with local schools and an interest in increasing involvement with the learning and development of their children. Parental dissatisfaction with available schools usually includes concerns about the school environment, the quality of academic instruction, curriculum, intimidation, and lack of confidence in the school's ability to meet the special needs of their children. Some homeschool parents have greater control over what and how their children are taught, to meet the individual needs and abilities of children, to give instruction from certain religious or moral positions, and to take advantage of the efficiency of one instruction and thereby enabling children to spend more time on childhood activities, socializing, and non-academic learning. Many parents are also influenced by alternative education philosophies advocated by people like Susan Sutherland Isaacs, Charlotte Mason, John Holt, and Kenneth Robinson.

Homeschooling can also be a factor in the choice of parenting style. Homeschooling can be a matter of consistency for families living in remote rural locations, for those temporarily abroad, and for those who travel frequently. Many young athletes, actors, and musicians are taught at home to accommodate their training and exercise schedule more comfortably. Homeschooling can be guidance and apprenticeship, where a teacher or teacher is with a child for many years and becomes closer to the child. Homeschooling increased in popularity in the United States during the 2000s; the percentage of children aged 5 to 17 who studied at home increased from 1.7% in 1999 to 3% in 2011/12.

Homeschooling can be used as an additional form of education and as a way of helping children learn in certain circumstances. The term may also refer to instruction at home under the supervision of a correspondence school or an umbrella school. Some jurisdictions require adherence to an approved curriculum. A free philosophy of the curriculum of homeschooling is sometimes called "unschooling", a term coined in 1977 by American educator and author John Holt in his magazine, Growing Without Schooling. This term emphasizes a more spontaneous and less structured learning environment in which a child's interest promotes his pursuit of knowledge. Some parents provide liberal arts education using trivium and quadrivium as the main model.

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Homeschools use a variety of methods and materials. The family chooses different educational methods, which represent the various philosophies and educational paradigms. Some of the methods or learning environment used include Classical education (including Trivium, Quadrivium), Charlotte Mason education, Montessori method, Theory of multiple intelligences, No schooling, Non-Educational Education, Waldorf education, School-at-home (curriculum choice from both secular and publishers, direct learning, distance learning (both online and correspondence), double enrollment at a local school or college, and the curriculum provided by local schools and many others. Some of these approaches are used in private and public schools. Research and education studies support the use of some of these methods. No study, natural learning, Charlotte Mason Education, Montessori, Waldorf, apprenticeship, direct learning, unit research is supported for various levels with research by constructivist learning theory and cognition theory located. The elements of these theories can be found in other methods as well.

A student's education can be tailored to support his level of learning, style, and interests. It is not uncommon for a student to experience more than one approach when the family finds the best for their students. Many families use an eclectic approach, selecting and choosing from various suppliers. For curriculum and book sources, a study found that 78 percent used "public libraries"; 77 percent use "homeschooling catalogs, publishers, or individual specialists"; 68 percent used "retail bookstores or other stores"; 60 percent use "educational publishers that are not affiliated with homeschooling." "About half" uses the curriculum of "a homeschooling organization", 37 percent of "churches, synagogues or other religious institutions" and 23 percent of "local public schools or districts." In 2003, 41 percent used some kind of distance learning, about 20 percent by "television, video or radio"; 19 percent via "Internet, e-mail, or the World Wide Web"; and 15 percent took "correspondence courses by mail specifically designed for homeschool children."

Individual government units, e.g. local states and districts, varies in the official curriculum and attendance requirements.

Structured versus Unstructured

All other approaches to homeschooling fall into two basic categories: structured and unstructured homeschooling. Homeschooling is structured to include every method or style of home education that follows the basic curriculum with articulated goals and results. This style tries to mimic the structure of traditional school settings while personalizing the curriculum. Unstructured homeschooling is any form of home education where parents do not build a curriculum at all. No school, as it is known, tries to teach through the child's daily experience and focuses more on self-directed learning by the child, free from textbooks, teachers, and formal assessments of success or failure.

Study unit

In the unit study approach, some subjects such as mathematics, science, history, art, and geography, are studied in relation to one topic. Unit studies are useful for teaching multiple classes simultaneously because difficulty levels can be tailored for each student. An extended set of study studies, Integrated Thematic Instruction uses a central theme that is integrated into the entire curriculum so that students complete a school year with an in-depth understanding of a particular subject or broad idea.

The all-in-one curriculum

All-in-one homeschooling curricula (known as "school-at-home", "school-in-a-box" or "The Structured Approach"), is an instructor teaching method in which curricula and homework students are similar or identical to those used in public or private schools. Purchased as a grade-level pack or separately by subject, the package may contain all the extensive books, materials, tests, answer keys, and teacher guides. These materials cover the same subject area as the public school, allowing easy transition into the school system. This is one of the more expensive options for homeschooling, but they require minimal preparation and are easy to use. Some areas provide the same materials used in local schools for homeschool children. Complete curriculum purchases and their teaching/assessment services from an accredited distance learning curriculum provider can enable students to obtain an accredited high school diploma.

Unnatural and natural learning

"Natural learning" refers to the kind of on-demand learning where children pursue knowledge based on their interests and parents take an active part in facilitating activities and experiences that are conducive to learning but less dependent on textbooks or spending much time "teaching" look for "learning moments" throughout their day-to-day activities. Parents see their role as affirmation through positive feedback and skill modeling as needed, and the role of the child as responsible for asking and learning.

The term "unschooling" as coined by John Holt illustrates an approach in which parents do not authoritatively direct children's education but interact with children in the child's own interests, leaving them free to explore and learn as their interests lead. "No school" does not indicate that the child is not educated, but that the child is not "going to school", or educated in such a rigid manner as in school. Holt insists that children learn through life experiences, and he encourages parents to live their lives with their children. Also known as learning led by people or children, non-school efforts to follow opportunities when they arise in real life, where a child will learn without coercion. Children at school learn from 1 teacher and 2 teachers in the classroom around 30. Children have special education opportunities at home with ratios of 1 to 1. A child who has not attended school can take advantage of text or classroom instruction, but this is not considered central education. Holt insists that there is no special body of knowledge that, or should be, a child.

Both the supporters of both natural and non-school learning believe that children learn best; a child can learn to read to be more interested in history or other cultures, or math skills by operating a small business or sharing in family finances. They may learn to raise livestock raising dairy goats or meat rabbits, botanical care of kitchen gardens, chemistry to understand the operation of firearms or internal combustion engines, or local politics and history by following the zoning or historical status of the dispute. Although all types of homeschoolers may also use this method, non-school children start this learning activity. Natural learners participate with parents and others in learning together.

Other prominent supporters of unschooling are John Taylor Gatto, author of Dumbing Us Down, The Exhausted School, A Different Kind of Teacher, and Weapons of Mass Instruction. Gatto argues that public education is the main tool of "state-controlled consciousness" and serves as a major illustration of total institutions - a social system that promotes obedience to the state and extinguishes free thinking or dissent.

Autonomous learning

Autonomous learning is an educational school that sees learners as individuals who can and should be autonomous that is responsible for their own learning climate.

Autonomous education helps students develop self-awareness, vision, practicality, and freedom of discussion. These attributes work to help students in self-learning. However, a student should not start their own autonomous learning entirely alone. It is said, that by first interacting with someone who has more knowledge in the subject, will accelerate student learning, and hence allow them to learn more independently.

Some level of autonomous learning is very popular for those who educate their children at home. In true autonomous learning, children usually have to decide what projects they want to address or what interests to pursue. In home education, this can replace or in addition to regular subjects like doing math or English.

According to the British Home Education, an autonomous educational philosophy emerges from the epistemology of Karl Popper in the Myth of the Framework: In Defense of Science and Rationality, developed in the debate, which seeks to refute the neo-Marxist convergence social philosophy proposed by the Frankfurt School (eg Theodor W. Adorno, JÃÆ'¼rgen Habermas, Max Horkheimer).

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Homeschool Cooperation

Homeschool cooperatives are family cooperatives that educate their children. This provides an opportunity for children to learn from other, more specialized parents in a particular subject area or subject. Co-ops also provide social interaction. They can take a lesson together or take a field trip. Some co-ops also offer events such as prom and graduation for homeschool children.

Homeschoolers start using Web 2.0 as a way to simulate homeschooling cooperatives online. With social networks, homeschooled children can chat, discuss threads in forums, share information and tips, and even participate in online classes through whiteboard systems similar to those used by colleges.

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The religious reason for homeschooling

Some parents have reservations about the secular nature of public schools and homeschools to give their children religious education. The use of religious curriculum is common. Recent sociological work suggests that more and more parents are choosing homeschooling because of low academic quality in local schools, or because of bullying or health problems.

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Test results

According to the Legal Household Legal Learning Association (HSLDA) in 2004, "A lot of research over the past few years has established the academic excellence of home-studying children." Homeschooling achievements - a compilation of studies published by HSLDA - support the academic integrity of homeschooling. This booklet summarizes a 1997 study by Ray and a 1999 Rudner study. Rudner's study notes two limitations of his own research: not always representing all homeschooled children and that is not a comparison with other school methods. Among home-studying students who took the test, the average home-educated student outperformed general school friends with 30 to 37 percentile points in all subjects. The study also shows that the public school performance gap between minorities and gender is almost nonexistent among the home-studying students who took the test.

A study conducted in 2008 found that 11,739 home-study students, on average, scored 37 percentile points above public school students on standardized achievement tests. This is consistent with the 1999 Rudner study. However, Rudner says that the same students in public schools may also score well because of the dedicated parents they have. Ray's study also found that home-studying students who have certified teachers as parents print a lower percentile than home-study students who do not have a certified teacher as a parent. Another national descriptive study conducted by Ray contains students ranging in age from 5 to 18 years and he found that homeschoolers scored at least 80 percent on their tests.

In 2011, a quasi-experimental study was conducted involving general school students and traditional students between the ages of 5 and 10. It was found that the majority of home-study children achieved higher standard scores than their counterparts. However, Martin-Chang also found that non-school-aged children aged 5-10 years scored far below traditionally educated children, while school-trained, academically-educated children scored from one level half the class above up to 4.5 levels above children who traditionally attend school standardized tests (n = 37 homeschooled) children are suitable with children from the same socioeconomic and educational background).

The study also examined the impact of homeschooling on students' GPA. Cogan (2010) found that home-study students had a higher GPA (3.74) and GPA transfer (3.65) than did conventional students. Snyder (2013) provides corroborating evidence that homeschool children outperform their peers in the field of standardized tests and the overall GPA. Looking beyond middle school, a study by the 1990 National Home Education Research Institute (cited by Wichers, 2001) found that at least 33% of home-school students attend a four-year course, and 17% attend a two-year lecture. This same study tested the students after one year, found that 17% pursued higher education. Thus, the data indicate that homeschooling can also prepare students for success in higher education.


Home-studying children may receive more individual attention than students enrolled in traditional public schools. A 2011 study shows that a structured environment can play a key role in the academic achievement of homeschoolers. This means parents are deeply involved in their child's education and they create clear educational goals. In addition, these students are offered organized lesson plans that are self-made or purchased.

A study conducted by Ray (2010), shows that the higher the level of parent income, the more likely the child who is home study can achieve academic success.

In the 1970s, Raymond and Dorothy Moore conducted four federal-funded analyzes of more than 8,000 early childhood studies, from which they published their original findings in Better Late Than Early, 1975. This was followed by School Can Wait , repackaging of the same invention specially designed for educational professionals. They concluded that, "where possible, children should be kept secret from formal school until at least eight to ten years of age." Their reasoning is that children "are not mature enough for formal school programs to their senses, coordination, neurological development and ready cognition". They conclude that the result of forcing children to formal school is the order of â € Å"1â € uncertainty when the child leaves the family to nest early for a less secure environment, 2) confusion over pressure and new class restrictions, 3) frustration because of the learning tools not ready - senses, cognition, hemispheres, coordination - can not handle the formal learning regimen and the pressure they carry, 4) hyperactivity growing from nerves and jitter, from frustration, 5) failure naturally flowing from the four experiences above, and 6) the delinquency which is the twin failure and seems to be for the same reason. "According to Moores," the early formal schools burned our children. Teachers who are trying to cope with these children are also on fire. "Apart from academic achievement, they think that early formal schools also destroy" positive societies ", encourage peer dependence, and reduce self-esteem, optimism, respect for parents, and trust to their peers.They believe this situation is acute for boys because of their delay in maturity.The Moores cites the Smithsonian Report of the development of genius, which shows the requirement for "1) much time spent with warm, responsive and adult parents others, 2) very little time spent with peers, and 3) much free exploration under parental guidance. "Their analysis suggests that children need" more homes and fewer formal schools, "" more free exploration with... older people, and fewer classroom and book boundaries, "and" more ancient work - kids k who work with parents - and pay less attention to sports and entertainment rivalries. "

Along with positive school outcomes, home-study adolescents also tend to use and abuse substances and are more likely to disagree with alcohol and marijuana.

Debate on results

There is a claim that research indicates that home-studying students perform better on standardized tests than with public school compulsory tests.

In contrast, SAT and ACT tests are self-selected by students who are schooled and formally schooled. Some average homeschool children scored higher on this college entrance test in South Carolina. Other scores (1999 data) showed mixed results, for example showing higher rates for homeschoolers in English (homeschooled 23.4 vs. national average 20.5) and reading (homeschooled 24.4 vs. national average 21 , 4) on ACT, but mixed scores in mathematics (homeschooled 20.4 vs national average of 20.7 in ACT compared with homeschooling 535 vs national average of 511 in SAT mathematics 1999).

Some supporters of homeschooling and educational choices contradict the input-output theory, suggesting that home educators spend only an average of $ 500- $ 600 per year on each student, compared to $ 9,000- $ 10,000 for every public school student in the United States, which indicating home educated students will be highly dominant on tests if given access to the same commitment of tax-funded educational resources.

Many teachers and school districts oppose the idea of ​​homeschooling. However, research has shown that home-study children often excel in many areas of academic endeavor. According to a study conducted on the homeschool movement, homeschooled children often achieve academic success and enter the elite university. There is also evidence that most of them are very well disseminated. According to the head of the National Home Education Research Institute, Brian Ray, socialization is not a problem for homeschooling children, many of whom are involved in community sports, volunteer activities, group books, or homeschool co-ops.


Using the Self-Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale, John Taylor later found that, "while half of conventional schoolchildren score at or below the 50th percentile (in self-concept), only 10.3% of children "He further stated that" homeschooling children's self-concept is significantly higher statistically than children attending a conventional school.This has implications in the field of academic achievement and socialization that have been found parallel self-concept.About socialization, Taylor's results would mean that very few socially deprived homes are at home. He states that critics who speak out against homeschooling on the basis of social deprivation actually deal with areas favoring homeschool children.

In 2003, the National Home Education Research Institute surveyed 7,300 US home-study adults (5,000 for over seven years). Their findings include:

  • Homeschool graduates are active and engaged in their community. 71% participate in ongoing community service activities, such as training sports teams, volunteering in schools, or working with church or neighborhood associations, compared to 37% of US adults of the same age from traditional education backgrounds.
  • Homeschool graduates are more involved in civil affairs and choose in a much higher percentage than their peers. 76% of those surveyed between the ages of 18 and 24 voted in the last five years, compared with only 29% of the corresponding US population. These figures are even larger in older age groups, with voting rates not falling below 95%, compared with 53% for corresponding US populations.
  • 58.9% reported that they were "very happy" with life, compared with 27.6% for the general US population. 73.2% found life "interesting", compared with 47.3%.

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General criticism

The opposition to homeschooling comes from several teacher organizations and school districts. The National Education Association, the union of teachers and professional associations of the United States, opposed homeschooling.

Stanford University political scientist Professor Rob Reich writes in The Civic Perils of Homeschooling (2002) that homeschooling may be able to produce biased students, as many homeschooling parents see their children's education as a problem properly under their control and no one else.

Gallup polls of American voters have shown significant change in attitude over the last 20 years, from 73% opposing home education in 1985 to 54% opposed in 2001. In 1988, when asked whether parents should have the right to choose homeschooling, 53 percent think they should, as revealed by other polls.

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International status and statistics

Homeschooling is legal in some countries. Countries with the most common home education movements include Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Britain, Mexico, Chile and the United States. Some countries have highly regulated home education programs as an extension of the compulsory school system; others, such as Sweden, Germany, and most European countries have banned it completely. Brazil has a legal project in progress. In other countries, although not limited by law, homeschooling is not socially acceptable or desirable and almost non-existent.


Home education or homeschooling, in Australia is almost the same as elsewhere. Some of the reasons why people choose homeschool is because it is a lifestyle choice, some people choose to educate at home so they can travel and spend quality time with their children. Some children learn differently from the general crowd and get bored or can struggle in school, where teachers can not meet the individuality of every child.

Homeschooling requires government registration, with different requirements from the state. Some home educators prefer to be organized, but others question whether the government has the legitimate authority to oversee the choices that parents make to raise and educate their children. Curricular assistance is offered by the Australian Government.

Many organizations exist to help parents and teachers with home education. HEA (Home Education Association) is one of the support organizations, which is growing through a local support network. HEA does not produce educational material, but offers support to families who choose homeschooling.


Homeschooling in South America has not been done as it did in the countries of North America Canada and the United States. In 1824, Brazil allowed home education to replace traditional education for almost 70 years. However, in 1990, the Statute of Children and Youth, or Estatuto da CrianÃÆ'§a e Adolescente, prohibited homeschooling and did not recognize it as a legitimate form of education. The revival in the homeschooling movement, however, has prompted Lincoln Portela congressman to introduce a new bill that would allow children to be educated at home if parents follow state-approved guidelines. The National Home Education Association was established in 2010 to achieve this goal. The rough estimate states that about 3,201 families do homeschooling by 2016.


Homeschooling is legal in all provinces and territories in Canada and has been for 40 years. The Ontario Education Act, for example, states in Section 21 (2) (a) that "A person is exempt from attendance at school if [...] the person receives education elsewhere". Canada is known to have some of the most comprehensive legal protections for homeschooling parents in America. Some provinces have implemented policies that require parents to inform the school board about their decision to homeschool. Each province requires parents to notify the school system of their intention to withdraw their children from the public school system and to start home education. Five of the ten provinces also require parents to submit detailed curricula to the state. Seven of these provinces do not require programs to be monitored by school boards or other private school administrators, and only five provinces require routine home education checks. However, these policies are not laws; Although Canadian legislators recognize the importance of state control in homeschooling environments, it is ultimately up to parents to decide when and how to homeschool. Despite the positive environment that supports and encourages alternatives to traditional schools, it is estimated that less than 0.5% of Canadian families study at home by 2015. This number may be inaccurate, as many parents do not report their decision to homeschool.

Unlike the United States, where homeschooling is largely a consequence of religious belief, a study of 1,600 families in 2003 found that Canadians primarily opt for homeschooling for the desire to provide better education. For children whose parents decided to homeschool for the desire to get a better education, a 2003 study found statistical significance between traditional and home-educated student scores on standardized writing, reading, and math tests. A more recent 2011 study found that home education style (structured versus unstructured) is a more important predictor of standardized test performance than other traditional measures, such as income and attainment of parental education. The findings are similar to findings in US research on home-studying children and homeschooling results.

One of Canada's special techniques, especially the British Columbian, is the Distributed Learning approach to home education. Distributed Learning is an online program directed by a teacher who meets provincial education standards. The program uses public and private curricula. This is different from British Columbia because it is the only province that has a Distributed Learning policy. This is one of the most popular forms of home education.


Homeschooling is legal in Israel, and requires permission from the Ministry of Education. The permit involves home visits from the person responsible for distributing permits, and writing letters explaining the motives, curriculum, daily routine and socialization of children. No school is legal, and the requirements are minimal. The reasons for homeschooling in Israel are very similar to people from all over the world, with the exception of religious motives, due to the prevalent religious schools. There is unclear information about the number of Homeschooling families, as not all families ask for permission, and many homeschool their children without registering. Estimates range from 500-1000 families.


Until 1920, homeschooling in Germany was seen as an acceptable practice under certain circumstances. With the rise of the Weimar Republic and the Nazi regime, homeschooling is seen as an anti-nationalistic and subversive practice that can damage children's loyalty to their country. Reichsschulpflichtgesetz, which was implemented in 1938, effectively bans all homeschooling with criminal consequences for anyone found practicing. Homeschooling would not be a public concept until the 1980s. In 1989, Helmut StÃÆ'¼cher moved his children from the public school system to start school at home. StÃÆ'¼cher and others who followed him were fined, and some even lost custody of the child. It was not until the unification of Germany in 1990 that reformed educational legislation and homeschooling were allowed under strict supervision and extreme circumstances. Today, however, homeschooling remains illegal. The 2007 German federal court ruling states that homeschooling is just another form of child abuse.

Germany does not support homeschooling as other countries do. Its neighbors, Switzerland and Austria, have accepted the idea and followed similar paths as the United States and Canada.

South Africa

Home education was banned in South Africa before 1994, and families were jailed for not sending their children to school. With the adoption of the South African constitution in 1994, home education was passed per implication. This is recognized by the issuance of the SA School Act of 1996 in which home education is accommodated in art. 51. Since home education is legalized, it has grown exponentially. According to the 2011 census count, there are about 57,000 learners at home in the country, placing South Africa in the top five countries in terms of the number of students at home.

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See also

Homeschooling High School - Breakthrough Homeschooling


Further reading

Holc, John (2004) [1976]. Instead of Education: Ways to Help People Do Better . Boulder, CO: Publication Publication. ISBNÃ, 1-59181-009-4.

External links

  • The history of the modern homeschool movement, from the Cato Institute.
  • NHERI's National Home Education Research Institute produces research on homeschooling and sponsors peer-reviewed academic journal Homeschool Researcher.
  • National Accreditation Study Board
  • Reviews of the International Center for Home Education Research

Source of the article : Wikipedia
